Sheila Kemp

Sheila Kemp | Owner/Certified Geriatric Pharmacist

Sheila Kemp R.Ph., B.Sc.Phm 

2009 Ontario Pharmacist of the Year
2009 Bowl of Hygeia Award Winner (Ontario)

As the owner of Aikenhead’s PharmaChoice, I strive to ensure that this pharmacy is the one who patients look to for current, knowledgeable information and exceptional pharmaceutical care. I am a strong advocate of continuing education and encourage my staff to work with me to achieve this goal. I continually look for needs within our community and specialize to meet those needs for our customers.

Professional Qualifications:

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, University of Toronto, 1982

Primary Care Certification, Prato, Italy

CoaguChek INR Monitor Certification, Ottawa

Methadone Treatment Workshop, Ontario College of Pharmacists

Level 1 Certification in Diabetes Patient Care, Ontario Pharmacists’ Association

Level 1 Certification in Cardiovascular Patient Care, Ontario Pharmacists’ Association

Level 1 Certification in Women’s Health, Ontario Pharmacists’ Association

Preceptor for pharmacy students at University of Toronto and University of Waterloo

Ontario Board of Director, PharmaChoice

Compounding Pharmacist, Professional Compounding Centers of America

Immunization Certificate, Ontario Pharmacists’ Association

Honors and Awards:

2009 Pharmacist of the Year (Ontario Pharmacists’ Association) in recognition of outstanding service to the profession of pharmacy.

2009 Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Bowl of Hygeia Award, in recognition of commitment to community service.

2009 Outstanding Business of the Year, Renfrew Chamber of Commerce

Community Service:

Director, Bonnechere Manor Foundation

Past Director, Renfrew Rotary Club

Member and Past Director, Renfrew Business Initiatives Association (BIA)

Executive member and past president, Renfrew Tennis Club

Executive committee member & title sponsor of the annual Aikenhead’s Hospice Classic Golf Tournament, raising $73,000 since inception in 2007

Seller of Break Open tickets for Renfrew Victoria Hospital Auxiliary

Director, ESSO Women’s National Hockey Championships, 2002

Sponsor of many local sports teams and individual players