Aikenhead's Drug Store, 19 Feb 2025 6:00:14 +0000en-us<![CDATA[Sheila Kemp]]>, 19 Feb 2025 6:00:14 +0000Sheila Kemp | Owner/Certified Geriatric Pharmacist

Sheila Kemp R.Ph., B.Sc.Phm 

2009 Ontario Pharmacist of the Year
2009 Bowl of Hygeia Award Winner (Ontario)

As the owner of Aikenhead’s PharmaChoice, I strive to ensure that this pharmacy is the one who patients look to for current, knowledgeable information and exceptional pharmaceutical care. I am a strong advocate of continuing education and encourage my staff to work with me to achieve this goal. I continually look for needs within our community and specialize to meet those needs for our customers.

Professional Qualifications:

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, University of Toronto, 1982

Primary Care Certification, Prato, Italy

CoaguChek INR Monitor Certification, Ottawa

Methadone Treatment Workshop, Ontario College of Pharmacists

Level 1 Certification in Diabetes Patient Care, Ontario Pharmacists’ Association

Level 1 Certification in Cardiovascular Patient Care, Ontario Pharmacists’ Association

Level 1 Certification in Women’s Health, Ontario Pharmacists’ Association

Preceptor for pharmacy students at University of Toronto and University of Waterloo

Ontario Board of Director, PharmaChoice

Compounding Pharmacist, Professional Compounding Centers of America

Immunization Certificate, Ontario Pharmacists’ Association

Honors and Awards:

2009 Pharmacist of the Year (Ontario Pharmacists’ Association) in recognition of outstanding service to the profession of pharmacy.

2009 Wyeth Consumer Healthcare Bowl of Hygeia Award, in recognition of commitment to community service.

2009 Outstanding Business of the Year, Renfrew Chamber of Commerce

Community Service:

Director, Bonnechere Manor Foundation

Past Director, Renfrew Rotary Club

Member and Past Director, Renfrew Business Initiatives Association (BIA)

Executive member and past president, Renfrew Tennis Club

Executive committee member & title sponsor of the annual Aikenhead’s Hospice Classic Golf Tournament, raising $73,000 since inception in 2007

Seller of Break Open tickets for Renfrew Victoria Hospital Auxiliary

Director, ESSO Women’s National Hockey Championships, 2002

Sponsor of many local sports teams and individual players

<![CDATA[Travel Clinic]]>, 08 Jan 2025 8:49:30 +0000Our travel clinic is operated on Wednesdays by Karen Church, a pharmacist with a Certificate in Travel Health from the International Society of Travel Medicine. The medical director is Dr.D.G.Kemp.  Aikenhead's PharmaChoice provides a full service pre-travel clinic including pre-travel consultations, prescribing and administration of travel and publicly funded vaccines and prescribing of travel related prescriptions including antimalarials and treatment for travelers diarrhea.

To consent to the medical directive and book a consultation please fill out the form below (1 form for each person travelling) and submit directly online, ideally 2-3 months before your travels but we take last minute appointments as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Karen.

At the appointment, a pharmacist with a Certificate in Travel Health will review and provide a written assessment of travel health recommendations and provide a prescription for vaccinations and medications recommended or required for the itinerary.


Assessment - $65 (Family traveling to the same destination - $100)
This includes the cost of administration of vaccines but does not include the cost of vaccines or medications.  Depending on the itinerary, the consultation typically lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.

Administration of Vaccines:

Vaccine administration is provided by a pharmacist trained in the administration of vaccines.
You may be required to wait at Aikenhead's Drug Store for approximately 15 minutes after receiving a vaccine.

<![CDATA[Holiday Hours (Pharmacy and Canada Post)]]>, 08 Jan 2025 8:48:34 +0000

<![CDATA[Flu Shots]]>, 11 Dec 2024 7:42:47 +0000Protect yourself, your family and your community by getting the influenza vaccine every year!

Aikenhead's Drug Store will be offering flu vaccination clinics on the following dates:

October 30th

November 5th, 7th and 8th

November 14th and 15th

November 22nd

November 28th and 29th

Please follow the link below to book your appointment. Vaccination clinics are based on vaccine availability. After these dates have passed individual appointment booking will be available. As of Dec4/24 the Ministry has not released any further high dose influenza vaccine.

<![CDATA[Contact]]>, 17 Apr 2024 6:27:56 +0000Aikenhead's Drug Store
226 Raglan St. S.
Renfrew, ON
K7V 1R1

Tel: (613) 432-8866
Fax: (613) 432-9208

View Larger Map

<![CDATA[Virtual Health Care Provider Referrals]]>, 11 Oct 2023 2:25:37 +0000<![CDATA[E-Scripts]]>, 20 Sep 2023 7:08:03 +0000Order refills of your prescriptions without leaving home! E-scripts allow you order refills online from any device!

E-scripts Online Click Here!

There's an App for That!

Download the iPhone or Android App for quick and easy prescription refills.

Fill your prescriptions online from your iPhone or iPad!

Download the NEW iPhone App at the App store: Rx2GO-PharmaChoice

Fill your prescriptions online with any of your android devices!

Download the NEW Android App: Rx2GO-PharmaChoice

<![CDATA[Pharmacist Administered Injections]]>, 01 Aug 2023 10:39:33 +0000Do you have a prescription for Prevnar? Shingrix? Our pharmacists are trained in the administration of vaccines.

If you would like one of our pharmacists to administer your vaccine or injection, please click on the following link to book your appointment.

$20 appointment fee applies.

For any OHIP funded vaccines (unrelated to travel) please contact your family physician or local public health unit. 

For new vaccinations related to travel please select the travel clinic option, fill out the online form and our pharmacist will contact you for an appointment.

<![CDATA[Prescription Vacation Supply Request Form]]>, 25 Jan 2023 9:41:41 +0000<![CDATA[Minor Ailments]]>, 11 Jan 2023 4:03:58 +0000The staff at Aikenhead's PharmaChoice is in the process of preparing for Minor Ailment prescribing. Please continue to check our website for updates on this service.

<![CDATA[Covid-19 Vaccinations]]>, 19 Oct 2022 6:18:10 +0000Aikenhead's Drug Store is not currently administering Covid vaccinations. The following website includes information on the provincial booking system. Public health will also be providing Covid vaccinations at various drop in clinics throughout the Ottawa Valley.

<![CDATA[Rapid Antigen Screening]]>, 13 May 2022 3:48:34 +0000Rapid Antigen Screening Tests are now available in store for asymptomatic patients on a walk-in basis, subject to pharmacist availability.  Please note that travel requirements change often and it is the responibility of the traveller to confirm entry requirements for any travel outside of Canada.

You can be tested if:

  • you have no symptoms of Covid-19
  • have not been in contact with someonw who has tested positive for Covid-19
  • have passed our regular Covid-19 screening
  • are not in quarantine from Covid-19
  • have not been advised by the provincial app of any exposure to Covid-19

Please click on the following link to book an appointment:

<![CDATA[Karen E Church]]>, 15 Feb 2022 7:24:21 +0000

Travel Health Pharmacist
B.Sc.Phm, R.Ph, CTH

Registered pharmacist since 2000
Completed student training and internship at Aikenhead's

OPA Injection Certificate Program
Infectious Disease Certificate Program

Certificate in Travel Health

CPJ - Community Based Pharmaceutical Care

International Society of Travel Medicine
Ontario Pharmacists Association
Canadian Pharmacists Association

Volunteer work:
Co-op Preceptor
SPEP Preceptor for Pharmacy Students

Reason for becoming a Pharmacist:
Born and raised in Renfrew, I wanted to choose a career that allowed me to come back to the area and raise a family here. I wanted to work in the health care field directly with the public and pharmacy allowed me to do both.I like small town independent pharmacy because you really get to know your patients.

<![CDATA[Danielle Miller]]>, 05 Jan 2022 4:39:19 +0000 ]]><![CDATA[Compounding]]>, 05 Jan 2022 4:32:30 +0000

Allergies?  Special needs?

Ask us about our compounding lab! 

What is Compounding?

Compounding is the creation of a pharmaceutical product specific to the unique needs of the customer.

Why Compound?

  • To change the form of the medication, ie. from a solid to a liquid for easier ingestion
  • To avoid a non-essential ingredient that the customer is allergic to, ie. gluten or dyes
  • To prepare specific doses/products not commercially available
  • To add flavours
  • To alter texture
  • To provide bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

Who can I talk to about compounding?

We have three PCCA trained pharmacists on staff. They are available for consultation if needed. We compound prescriptions on Tuesday and Thursday.

Does compounding cost more than traditional medication?

As with mass produced medications, the cost to the patient varies based on a multitude of factors. The upfront cost to the patient is higher than with traditional pharmaceuticals as we cannot bill the drug plans online.  By definition, the drugs are too unique to have coverage automated.  However, a lot of compounds are covered by drug plans upon submission of receipts.  Aikenhead's can provide you with the documentation you need to provide to your drug plan.

<![CDATA[Home]]>, 05 Jan 2022 4:27:46 +0000Aikenhead's PharmaChoice Drug Store in Downtown Renfrew has been locally owned and operated since 1938 and offers you a complete range of products and services, to meet your needs.

<![CDATA[About]]>, 04 Jan 2022 6:29:40 +0000<![CDATA[Products]]>, 04 Jan 2022 6:29:28 +0000Looking for a specific product? 

Call and ask for Sandra Fleury, our friendly front shop manager.  If we don't have it in store, chances are we can order it specifically for you!

Sandra Fleury
Tel: (613) 432-8866

<![CDATA[Stocking Fittings]]>, 03 Jan 2022 11:12:02 +0000The leg veins are susceptible to circulatory disorders as a result of carrying large volumes of blood.

Unhealthy backward flow can cause leg fatigue, swelling, pain and varicose veins.

One of the ways used to manage leg problems is to use elastic compression stockings.

Here at Aikenhead's Pharmachoice we have trained staff to measure you for stockings. We have an assortment of colours and styles to fit your needs.

Appointments are not always needed. Come in today and step into a healthier lifestyle with Aikenhead's.

<![CDATA[Community Involvement]]>, 30 Dec 2021 12:03:21 +0000Aikenhead's Drug Store is a proud supporter of the Renfrew Victoria Hospital. Catch the Ace tickets are on sale here.
<![CDATA[Employment Opportunities]]>, 21 Nov 2021 10:06:43 +0000


<![CDATA[Meet Our Staff]]>, 01 Jun 2021 7:23:33 +0000Aikenhead's Drug Store welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.

<![CDATA[Canada Post]]>, 29 Sep 2020 12:38:54 +0000Aikenhead's is an official Canada Post location.  Collect your parcels and pick up prescriptions in one stop!

 Aikenhead's - An Official Canada Post location

<![CDATA[Awards and Recognition]]>, 28 Sep 2020 10:52:54 +00002009
  • Outstanding business achievement award - Renfrew and Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Sheila Kemp named Ontario Pharmacist of the Year
  • Sheila Kemp named as recipient of the Wyeth Bowl of Hygeia for Community Service


  • Reader's Choice Awards- Renfrew Mercury
    • Sheila Kemp-Diamond Pharmacist
    • Aikenhead's-Diamond Drug Store
    • Aikenhead's- Platinum for cards, stationary and gifts
    • Most outstanding business


  • Reader's Choice Awards - Renfrew Mercury
    • Aikenhead's - Diamond Drug Store
    • Sheila Kemp - Platinum Pharmacist
    • Karen Church - Platinum Pharmacist
    • Lorraine Hansen - Gold Pharmacist

<![CDATA[Medicine Cabinet Cleanup]]>, 28 Sep 2020 9:03:11 +0000Expired medications can be dangerous to your health.  Dispose of them safely and conveniently at Aikenhead's.  It is suggested that a medicine cabinet cleanup be performed at least once per year. Sharps should be disposed of in the appropriate container.

<![CDATA[History]]>, 18 Jul 2020 11:38:06 +0000Aikenhead's PharmaChoice was founded in 1938, by Bill Aikenhead, and has served Renfrew and Area with unparalleled service for over 70 years.

Aikenhead's has a long history of community involvement.  Don Aikenhead, a former owner, was a member of town council.  Neil Ritchie, also a prior owner, is a member of The Rotary Club.  

Sheila Kemp, the current owner, is very active in the community with her volunteer activities including the Bonnechere Manor Foundation.

<![CDATA[Meet Our Pharmacists]]>, 06 Apr 2018 4:30:13 +0000Aikenhead's Pharmacists are ready to serve you! ]]><![CDATA[Services]]>, 06 Dec 2017 7:53:32 +0000<![CDATA[Advice for Health]]>, 07 Sep 2016 7:42:47 +0000<![CDATA[Free Delivery]]>, 12 Sep 2014 6:32:45 +0000Aikenhead's offers free delivery within town limits.

Just another way Aikenhead's works for you!

<![CDATA[Lorraine Hansen]]>, 09 Sep 2013 1:31:46 +0000B.Sc./B.Sc(Phm)/CDE/RPh


University of Manitoba Class of 1998


Has practised pharmacy in Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Ontario

Started at Aikenhead's in 2002


Ontario Pharmacist's Association Injection Certification Program (2012)

Canadian Diabetes Association Certified Diabetes Educator (2009)


Ontario Pharmacist's Association

Canadian Pharmacist's Association

Canadian Diabetes Association

Volunteer Work

Classroom visits to grade 1 students about Pharmacy and Chemistry

Classroom visits to grade 3 students about Prescription Medications

Presentations to the Alzheimer Society support groups

Best part about pharmacy: Working and communicating with different people all day


"For the past 15 years I have thoroughly enjoyed my career as a community pharmacist.  Being a pharmacist has not only enabled me to work in three different provinces but has also allowed me to live and work in smaller communities where I have the opportunity to get to know the people who call or come into the store.  I became a Certified Diabetes Educator in 2009 and since that time I have been able to use my knowledge and skills to help people better understand and control their diabetes."

<![CDATA[Compliance Packaging]]>, 28 Aug 2013 4:03:30 +0000Never miss a dose with Aikenhead's compliance packaging options! 

Compliance Packaging, or blister packaging, is a simple way to manage your medications.  Medications are organized into individual packets based on your medication schedule.

Each week, medications are delivered or can be picked up based on your schedule and preferences. 

Benefits of Compliance Packaging:

  • Avoiding missed medication maximizes the therapeutic benefit you obtain from your medications
  • Many formats are available including:
    • single medication blister cards
    • multi-medication blister cards
    • bubble strip packs
  • Our pharmacists work with you to determine a medication schedule that is medically beneficial and easy to follow

Ask about compliance packaging today!

<![CDATA[MedsCheck]]>, 28 Aug 2013 3:53:41 +0000Do you take multiple medications?  Unsure if you are taking them correctly?

We can help.

The pharmacists at Aikenhead's Drug Store offer MedsCheck consultations!

We will sit down with you, go over your medications, provide helpful information and answer any questions you may have.  Consultations can be requested at your convenience and can be done in store or in the comfort of your home. 

Ask your pharmacist about a MedsCheck today!



<![CDATA[Home Health Care]]>, 26 Jul 2013 8:00:21 +0000Aikenhead's stocks a wide variety of home health care products that can make a world of difference in your life.  Check out our display in store or contact Theresa Hass, our front shop manager for more information.  If we don't have what you are looking for there is a good chance we can order it for you.
